The need
As part of the Canberra Women of Science and Art event, for National Science Week 2020, Claire wanted to expand the coverage of the women involved.
Our solution
Claire pitched, wrote and published two articles in HerCanberra magazine. She worked with Julia and Nicole to craft narratives that would engage with readers. Claire also sourced photos for publication.
The articles were accepted by the editor of HerCanberra with no changes made. Julia’s piece promoted on Facebook reached over 4,600 people and attracted 56 reactions, comments or shares.
When Claire shared her idea to feature me in HerCanberra, I was excited. She made it easy for me as an interviewee and the article was a lovely piece about me and my work.
When it came to being part of promotions and sharing content on social media it was very easy for me because Claire and her team posted engaging, diverse content regularly.
The event was a pleasure to be part of. It was superbly organised and attracted a diverse range of participants who were fully engaged with webinar speakers and topics. Thank you for the opportunity to be involved in such an important event.
- ‘Science meets art for the better’, about Julia Landford.
- ‘Meet the Canberra author interweaving scientific evidence, activism and creativity’, about Nicole Godwin.
You can see Claire’s other writing on HerCanberra here